
Duckling Diaries (from a newborn photographer)

Posted on April 30, 2020 by Admin under Uncategorized

Day 1

Why am I fostering ducklings?

Who remembers how excited their little ones were in reception when they watched the baby chicks hatch and they got to see them grow and develop? I think it is one of my favourite school projects ever! So have you wondered whats happening to those chicks now we are in lockdown? Well two of them are in our home!!

With our lives changing overnight, the newborn studio being forced to closed it doors temporily, I found myself missing babies and new life like you wouldn’t believe, everything seemed rather bleak. Jensen (my son) was is turning 10 during lockdown and the birthday I had spent over a year planning and slowly saving for, poof, was gone. I was desperate to think of something that would make his big birthday truly memorable (he’s never been one for toys or material things, there was no gift I could buy him, but he loves animals) When I saw the post from the amazing Millers Ark Farm offering an opportunity to repeat this experience in our home it seemed like fate. I replied to their post immediately and 2 weeks later here we are!

So yesterday was collection day, our new baby ducklings were waiting, safely snuggled on a table in a barn for us with instructions and food. (No people were there so we could make sure there was no accidental contact and spreading of germs!) I’d bought a little hot water bottle wrapped in towel to help keep them warm on their little journey home and turned on the car heaters to max. They were a little unsettled for the first 5 minutes, but soon relaxed and had a little snooze.

I had already turned on the brooder before I left to collect them so things were toastie for when we arrived home. Jensen was beyond excited when he met them. On day one we avoid cuddles so they can adjust to their new surroundings and settle in but I did take a little video to show you all.

First few minutes in their new home

Jensen decided he wanted to call one Philip (we have no idea if they are boys or girls!) So, as suggested by a friend it made perfect sense to call the other one Holly. Philip is the yellow duckling and Holly is the mix (I decided she should be the girl as the pretty little marking around her eyes look like mascara!) Holly, so far, seems to be the more chilled out of the pair.

Needless to say I will be taking lots of photos and videos of them, but as anyone who has had newborn photography with me knows, baby safety and happiness is the most important thing for me, these little guys are no difference so it maybe a couple of days before I take any photos with my big camera as I want them to get used to use and feel safe and happy first!

On a final note small farms that rely on visitors as a major source of income have taken a huge hit in this lockdown, I just have Jensen to feed with no income, I cannot imagine how hard it must be for these farm owners. If you are still lucky enough to have an income at the moment I urge you to head over to their facebook page and see what you can do to help!

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